6SINGLES - dinner for six single people

Join another five single people for dinner in your area.

Scrap the dating site... get out there and meet people, not profiles. It's all about the chemistry!

Register your details, then we'll call you to talk about your preferences.

When we have 6 single diners in your area, (3 men, 3 women) we'll set up your 6Singles date

(You must be over 18 and based in the UK)


Online dating can be a little overwhelming at times. In fact no, it IS overwhelming, all of the time!

All the pressure of writing that witty one liner for your profile. Trying to get the best photo... and how many are you supposed to display anyway? One isn't enough, that's too suspicious. Ten is too many, you look like you take yourself too seriously. Then there's those messages, the ones that go backwards and forwards forever and never amount to anything. Plus the guy that wants to send you pictures and the lady that wants to sell you gold bullion? Nah!

Does any of this sound familiar? We know it does because we've been there.

Let's keep things low key, simple and let's go back to basics. It's all about the Chemistry.

There's one thing we all have in common. We gotta eat!

ask us

Need to know more?

Get in touch - team@6Singles.co.uk or use the form below

0845 459 6511 (Premier rate number)

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